Science 7


Fundamental Concepts - Big Ideas

Structure and Function: Structures have a purpose. (Overall expectation 1)

Energy: The form of a structure is dependent on its function. (Overall
expectations 1, 2, and 3)

The interaction between structures and forces is predictable.

By the end of Grade 7, students will:
1. analyse personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that need to be considered in designing and building structures and devices;

2. design and construct a variety of structures, and investigate the relationship between the design and function of these structures and the forces that act on them;

3. demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between structural forms and the forces that act on and within them.


Science Binder. The following is a list of things that you should have in your science binder for this unit.

Form and Function Title Page
Definitions Page (word list may be found here)
Types of Structures Volunteer Note (follow the instructions at this link)
Design Features Note (a copy may be found here)
Paper Olympics (a copy may be found here)
Joints Note (based on research from here)
Structural Efficiency and Force Balance (a copy may be found here)
Forces Question Answers (the questions may be found in the reading here, answers here - will post later)

Other Documents. There may be other documents that will be used in this unit, they are not expected to be in your binder, but will be put here for your reference.

Types of Structures Information (all information may be found at this link)
Information on Types of Joints (a copy may be found here)
Types of Forces Hand Actions (a copy may be found here)
Information of Forces (a copy may be found here)
Examining Forces Lab Info (all information may be found here)
Structural Failure Pictures (pictures may be found here)

Class Notes. In this section you will find information that was shown board during class.

Lesson #1 Types of Structures

Lesson #2 Design Features - Function

Lesson #3 Design Features - Shape and Material
Lesson #4 "Paper Olympics"
Lesson #5 "Paper Olympics" Testing
Lesson #6 Joining Methods
Lesson #7 Mass vs Weight
Lesson #8 Structural Efficiency
Lesson #9 Force Balance
Lesson #10 Structural Efficiency/Force Balance
Lesson #11 Types of Forces
Lesson #12 Forces Questions
Lesson #13 Examining Forces Explanation
Lesson #14 - #17 Examining Forces Work
Lesson #18 Failure

Assignments. These are the assignments that have been assigned for this unit. If there is no due date set, you will not submit it, simply complete it and have it in your binder.
Note: Dates that assignments were assigned are approximate, as I teach three classes, and not on the same day.

Form and Function Title Page
You are required to make a title page for the start of this unit. The page must have the words "Form and Function" (or "Structural Strength and Stability") on it. It should also include at least four relevant pictures.

Types of Structures
This task involved doing some research to learn about structures. You were then to teach an adult this information. The task may be found here.

Design Features Note
This is the note that we looked at in class over a series of 3 lessons. You should print it and have it in your binder for a study note.

Paper Olympics
This task involved building three structures, to given specification, out of cue cards. The structures were then tested to failure. After testing the structures there were some questions to answer. The worksheet, including questions, may be found here.

Joints Note
In class you were given a few pages from a text. From that you were to summarize the information, writing a note about joints. The headings you are to have are in today's lesson.

Structural Efficiency and Force Balance Math
This task involved applying the formula for structural efficiency to three math problems as well as applying knowledge of force balancing to three problems. The worksheet may be found here.

Force Questions
This task involved reading some information on forces, then answering 6 questions. The information is found in the "Other Documents" section on this webpage. The questions are at the bottom of the last page.

Video #3: Measuring Force

Video #4: External Forces Acting on Structures

Video #5: Internal Forces Within Structures

Video #6: Designing Structures to Resist Forces and Maintain Stability

Video #7: Materials and Their Properties

Video #8: Joining Structural Components

Video #9: Properties of Materials in Plant and Animal Structures

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